RCE&W Membership
Hull Rape Crisis are affiliated to Rape Crisis England & Wales rape crisis uk logo who like us are a feminist organisation that exists to promote the needs of women and girls who have experienced sexual violence, to improve services to them and
to work towards the elimination of sexual violence.

Rape Crisis England & Wales was set up to support the work of autonomous Rape Crisis organisations in England and Wales. They also raise awareness and understanding of sexual violence in the wider community and with local, regional and national government.

They work with member Rape Crisis organisations such as ourselves to achieve these three core priorities:

  • Securing high quality specialist services for women and girls who have experienced sexual violence.

  • Building our collective expertise to improve services and policies for the benefit of survivors / victims.

  • Ending rape and sexual violence.




Hiding your Tracks
----------------------History of HRCSAS
---------------------- RCE&W Membership
---------------------- BACP Membership
---------------------- Counselling
---------------------- Drop-In
---------------------- Education
---------------------- National Website